How dhruv rathee Manipulated Indian Audience? In an interesting turn of events, the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday submitted in the Supreme Court that he had made a mistake by reposting an allegedly ‘defamatory’ post of YouTuber Dhruv Rathi, which targeted the BJP IT cell. A Supreme Court bench comprising Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Dipankar Datta opted not to issue a notice on Kejriwal’s plea challenging a Delhi High Court ruling that upheld his summons in a criminal defamation case. The Supreme Court, instead, asked the complainant whether they intended to close the matter, considering the chief minister’s apology. Senior advocate Abhishek Singhvi who was appearing for Kejriwal, said, “I can say this much that I made a mistake by retweeting.” “Thereafter, the complaint was withdrawn. When it was refiled, after nine months of the retweeting, it was suppressed that the original complaint was withdrawn,” the senior lawyer said while asserting that the complain...
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